Friday, February 28, 2014

Jay Turner Frey Seawell - Review

Photograph by: Jay Turner Frey Seawell
With this article the title kind of stood out to me because it is about our National Government. But there was nothing really unique as to what made me want to read it. But I just gave it a shot. This article was mainly about wanting to portray the National Gov. for who they really are. It's like he looked past what has been sugar coated and dug deep to get the real truth for those who deserve to hear it. This article was very simple and it kind of gave me a different perspective of the press and the National Gov. 

Painting on a Radio Canvas: Jori Finkel

Photo by: Emily Beril
NY Times Art & Design
What caught my eye when looking through the various blogs on NY Times Art and Design is when it said "on a Radio Canvas". I was really curious to see what they had written about a radio show about art. 
This article was about a volunteer radio station that was built from the ground up. They started out as a nomadic radio station that jumped around to different locations until they finally came to the conclusion to settle down somewhere. This radio station isn't just a station that plays music but it is more like a talk show that reaches out to the art world. Whether you are a professional artist or a street artist or even a musician everyone listened to it. I really enjoyed reading this article because there are not that many radio stations that have developed and touched others the way this one has. 


My awesome roommate let me use her for photoshop practice! 


Friday, February 14, 2014

Famous Portraits

Richard Avedon
I chose this picture because its very contemporary. It shows the bond between a mother and her child. 
Pillipe Halsman
I chose this picture because it reminded me of when I was a kid. Listening to sounds that a conch shell makes is a memory that no one could ever forget. This child looks so at peace like he is enjoying listening to the music that comes from this object. 
Annie Leibovitz
I like this picture because it shows a different side of photography. It shows that not all art is beautiful but it can show the emotions that are being expressed. 
Steve McCurry
This picture I absolutely love because it exemplifies a vintage outlook. It's very simple but yet very seductive at the same time. 
Irving Penn
What I like the most about this portrait is the women's eyes. That was the first thing I was drawn to because they are very vibrant. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Great Beauty and A Call for Awesomeness in Dallas

Glasstire- Richard Bailey

Picture by: Paula Newton

The blog layout was very simple and contemporary. I was able to locate the blogs that this artist has posted very easily.

The title of this article is what caught my attention and made me interested the most. I was curious about it when I saw Dallas in the title because Dallas is a main part of who I am and seeing other people's views of a city I grew up around is something that keeps me interested.

This article tells the story of how a movie can reflect the thoughts of an artist. It described that certain scenes within a movie are pieces of real world artwork. I also liked that it described downtown Dallas as a piece of artwork. That you have to look for the "awe" in something to be able to really enjoy it. When you read this article the author explains that how the light gleaming of the buildings cuts through the sky and that this is part of that awe. I thought that it was true. Some people may not notice little things like that but to an artist those are the little details that matter the most.