Friday, April 11, 2014

Blog Reviews


Undercover #15: Gabriel Jones

Photograph taken by: Gabriel Jones

The layout of this blog was very easy to navigate through. I liked how I was able to just scroll down and see many different photographs and stories about certain images.

What interested me the most to read this article was the photo that is shown above. This image was photographed and displayed as an album cover for the band "Arcade Fire". This image really caught my eye because of the colors and how they blend so well with one another.
This article was written about the band "Arcade Fire" and it goes into detail about how they are from Canada and when on tour in Texas they stopped at different anonymous locations and Gabriel Jones took different pictures of these locations and it was to represent the American suburbs. I was really interested with this article because the material was photographed here in Texas and I thought it was really cool how they tried to incorporate so many visions of stereotypical American suburbs from only one state.

Triangle Triangle 

Photograph by: Edward Burtynsky

I liked this image because it is very abstract in view. I like how the limestone is different colors and it just works very well with each section. I also like how it isn't perfect. It definitely brings out the abstractedness of the lines and the sections of this cliff.


"Feathers" Camera-less photography by Taylor Curry
Photograph by: Taylor Curry

The layout of this blog is very simple. I liked how I could just click photos and it sent me directly to different articles and photos.

What caught my attention the most was the wide variety of different feathers Taylor had in her article. They ranged from big to small and neutral in color to very loud in color. I really liked this picture because the feather itself is almost perfect. The color is very vivid and the shape of the feather is very precise.
The article is about how she took the pictures of these feathers. She took these photos with polaroid
film and placed the feathers on a glass plate. I think she captured the objects very well seemingly that she wanted to "capture nature as the negative". I was interested in this article because its a different style of photography. From the comments that I read not very many people photograph this way so I thought that was really cool.